Recognized for Outstanding Service and Leadership within the Community

To be recognized for outstanding service and leadership within your community is an honor, but when this recognition comes from your peers – those who have the most focused view of you and your efforts – that is truly a distinction to be cherished.

The Roy and Diana Vagelos Leadership Award

The Roy and Diana Vagelos Leadership Award is presented to an individual who exemplifies the highest standards of leadership. The recipient is a role model for their peers and possesses the ability to inspire others to be better and do better by encouraging creativity, cooperation, promoting respect for others, emphasizing collaboration, and demonstrating initiative. This outstanding leader has a keen sense of organization and embodies leadership in all that they endeavor, combining clarity in thought with humility of character. The nominees for the 2024 Roy and Diana Vagelos Leadership Award are Hallie Gaitsch, Jasmine Mack, Kelsey Lowman, Ray Smith, and Yasemin Cole.

We are delighted to announce that the 2024 award goes to Hallie Gaitsch.

As President of this year’s SLB, Hallie Gaitsch has demonstrated exceptional leadership that goes beyond the duties of her role. She is diplomatic, organized, and clear in her goals, ensuring every SLB meeting is well-run, respectful, and productive. Hallie is trusted by the students for her approachability and is well-liked and respected by both peers and program leadership. She handles all her responsibilities with kindness, humility, and grace. Hallie is admired for her fair and non-judgmental approach, and her peers have learned a lot from her exemplary leadership.

“It is a great honor to receive this award from my peers. My time in the NIH OxCam Program has been transformative, both scientifically and personally. I feel very privileged to not only be a member of this community, but to give back to it through service on the Student Leadership Board. It is a credit to the Program that its leaders set aside regular, dedicated time to hear student concerns and to discuss strategies for continuous improvement. I would like to acknowledge my fellow SLB members, our Program administrators, the Executive Committee, and IBRA for their drive to make the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program the best that it can be,” remarked Hallie.

IBRA and the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program extends heartfelt congratulations to Hallie Gaitsch for her outstanding achievements. Her exceptional leadership and dedication make her a deserving recipient of the Roy and Diana Vagelos Leadership Award.

Stay tuned for more updates and news on outstanding leaders from the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program. For more information on Hallie Gaitsch’s work and the Roy and Diana Vagelos Leadership Award, please visit our website.