Lasker Lessons in Leadership

Lasker Lessons in Leadership

Lasker Lessons in Leadership provide strategies for developing leadership skills, stimulate a sense of leadership responsibility, and encourage NIH trainees and tenure track faculty to seek out opportunities to be a leader in their biomedical careers. The series is a collaboration with the International Biomedical Research Alliance, the Lasker Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program. Browse through upcoming and past events below.



A Interview with Lasker Laureate Prof. Yuk Ming Dennis Lo

May 16, 2024 at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Interviewees: NIH-Gates Cambridge Scholars Yasemin Cole and Henry Taylor and NIH-Rhodes Scholar Kritika Singh

A Conversation with MacArthur Fellow Prof. Michelle Monje-Deisseroth, MD/PhD and Lasker Laureate Prof. Karl Deisseroth, MD/PhD

October 17, 2023 at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Interviewees: NIH-Gates Cambridge Scholar Haillie Gaitsch (MD/PhD Candidate ) & NIH-Cambridge Scholar John Hancock (MD/PhD Candidate)

A Conversation with Mr. Kenneth C. Frazier, Executive Chairman of the Board and Former CEO, Merck & Co., Inc.

June 15, 2022 at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Interviewer: NIH-Cambridge Scholar Jasmine Mack, MPH, MS (PhD Candidate)

Harvey J. Alter: HCV The End Of The Beginning Could This Be The Beginning Of The End

Cynthia Kenyon: Life Lessons from a Small Creature

Wendy Chung: My Life as a Zebra Hunter

David Rubenstein interviews Anthony Fauci: An Interview on Leadership and a Career in Public Health

George Yancopoulos: My Scientific Story – From Academia to Starting and Building a Major Biotech Company

Mary Woolley: Winning Hearts and Minds in Science

Anne Schuchat: Going Public: From the Bedside to the Big Picture Lessons in Leadership from a Career in Public Health

Regis Kelly: Academia and the Private Sector – An Odd Couple?

Jeremy Nathans: A Conversation on Leadership and Career Path

Craig Thompson: The Difference between Leadership and Management

Linda Fried: How Scientists Become Effective Communicators

Dan Littman: The Art of Publishing

Ralph Snyderman: From Brooklyn to Lab Bench to Board Room – Lessons Learned