Endowed by NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program Co-Founder, Dr. Michael Lenardo, in loving memory of his brother, Gregory Paul Lenardo

We are delighted to announce Benjamin Lee as the recipient of the 2024 Gregory Paul Lenardo Basic Science Award for Discoveries in Cellular and Molecular Biology. This prestigious award recognizes groundbreaking discoveries in fundamental cellular, molecular, or genetic processes using model systems, advancing our scientific understanding of biological processes in higher organisms.

About the Award

The Gregory Paul Lenardo Basic Science Award is dedicated to honoring researchers who have made significant contributions to our understanding of cellular and molecular biology. Endowed by Dr. Michael Lenardo in loving memory of his brother, Gregory Paul Lenardo, the award reflects the commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in scientific research.

Meet the Winner: Benjamin Lee

Benjamin Lee has developed a pioneering “big data” strategy for viroid discovery, utilizing a completely novel approach that has significantly impacted the field. His groundbreaking work, published in Cell, has revolutionized our understanding of the number, diversity, and host ranges of viroid-like agents.

Key Achievements:

  • Innovative Approach: Benjamin’s novel strategy for viroid discovery leverages big data, offering a fresh perspective and new methodologies in the field.
  • Significant Impact: His research has dramatically expanded our knowledge of viroid-like agents, including their diversity and host interactions.
  • Accessible Tools: Benjamin has created a comprehensive database and tools that are accessible to the wider scientific community, promoting further research and discovery.
  • Published Work: His influential findings have been published in Cell, one of the most prestigious journals in the field of molecular biology.
  • Future Contributions: Benjamin has been invited to submit a review on viroid discovery for the journal Nucleic Acids Research, indicating the high regard in which his work is held.

Recognizing Excellence

“I am deeply honored to receive the Gregory Paul Lenardo Basic Science Award. This research would not have been possible without the generous support of the NIH Oxford-Cambridge program and the tireless mentorship of my advisors at both NIH and Oxford, Eugene Koonin and Peter Simmonds. My work has opened a whole host of questions that I am eager to explore in my upcoming fellowship back at NIH in Bethesda. We have now shown that the world of viroids and viroid-like RNAs is much bigger than was previously known, but the full extent and diversity of these agents is clearly yet to be explored,” shared Benjamin.

Benjamin is currently focused on completing his degree and his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and his innovative contributions make him a deserving recipient of the Gregory Paul Lenardo Basic Science Award.

IBRA and the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program extend heartfelt congratulations to Benjamin Lee for his outstanding achievements. We also commend the other nominees, Hannah Duffy and Matthew Berns, for their exceptional contributions to the field of cellular and molecular biology.

Stay tuned for more updates and news on groundbreaking research from the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program. For more information on Benjamin Lee’s work and the Gregory Paul Lenardo Basic Science Award, please visit our website.