Advanced Training Grants

Advanced Training Grants

Applications are currently closed.

Please look for an announcement in Fall 2024.

Advanced Training Grants Program

The Advanced Training Grants Program provides financial support for academic-related travel for the purpose of enhancing training beyond the boundaries of the standard research support provided by their research laboratories.

Awardees benefit from expanded exposure to evolving research, specialized training, learning new techniques, and professional development training to broaden their scientific experience.

Eligible activities include travel to advanced skills workshops, travel and/or housing support to establishing research collaborations at US universities, or non-research related leadership and entrepreneurial training programs.

Awards are considered on a case-by-case basis and typically range from $250-$2,500. The funding will be determined based on the submission of the required paperwork and interview.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so applications should allow at least three weeks for your application to be reviewed and a decision to be rendered.

Submission at least 1-3 months in advance is recommended to maximize the possibility of identifying additional funding if needed. If you have any questions, please contact

Mentor Match Travel Grants

Mentor Match Travel Grants

Applications are currently closed.

Please look for an announcement in Fall 2024.

Mentor Match Program

The selection of a committed and collaborative mentor for students pursuing their Ph.D. in biomedical research is integral to their success.

For programs without laboratory rotations or coursework, such as the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program, identifying a good fit between a student’s interests, talents, and training needs requires additional preparatory work compared to traditional PhD programs.

Unfortunately, travelling to the UK to identify mentors can be cost prohibitive for many students, so each year IBRA raises funds to provide Mentor Match Travel Awards for the distinct purpose of reimbursing students admitted to elite international biomedical training programs for expenses incurred while identifying their mentor abroad.

Award Guidelines 

– Applications will be reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis, typically within 7 business days from submission. Awards are limited in number so applying early is encouraged.

– Travel should encompass a maximum of 7 days/6 nights.

– The maximum IBRA Mentor Match Travel Award available is $1,000 per student.


The International Biomedical Research Alliance (IBRA) utilizes an accountable plan that follows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations in which reimbursement is not counted as income and therefore not subject to withholding taxes, 1099, or W-2 reporting. 

Therefore, the following conditions must be met to receive reimbursement for the Mentor Match travel:

–       Travel reimbursement must be for mentor matching for students who have accepted their offer of admission to a qualified biomedical training program.

       Travel reimbursement is not considered a form of compensation for work performed.

–       Travel reimbursement expenses include only transportation, lodging, and meals.

–       Travel reimbursement must be accurately reported and include supporting documentation as outlined in this policy and procedure.

–        Upon completion of their travel, students are required to file one completed request for reimbursement along with PDF copies of all related itemized receipts.  NO REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE MADE WITHOUT A RECEIPT.

–       Cancellations: If the student made travel arrangements that are later canceled due to a travel ban issued by a recognized United States government agency, they will be reimbursed for any expenses incurred before the travel ban. Should a medical emergency arise that prevents travel, documentation of the same must be submitted for reimbursement to be considered. Note: failure to confirm a meeting date/time with a potential mentor, change in personal plans, and so on will not be considered for reimbursement.  In all of these cases, the awardee is responsible for pursuing refunds or preventing potential charges.

Qualifying Expenses


Travel by airplane, train, bus, or car between your home and the mentor’s University.  If you were provided with a free ticket or you are riding free as a result of frequent flyer miles, rewards, or similar programs you cannot submit this expense for reimbursement. Travel must be economy class unless a request for an exception is made and granted.

Taxi, bus, car service

Fares for these and other types of transportation that take you between the airport, station, your place of lodging, or the university where your mentor match meetings will occur.


Checked baggage fee for one checked bag, if applicable.

Lodging and meals

Your lodging and meals for the duration of your travel. Meals include amounts spent for food, non-alcoholic beverages, taxes, and tips (up to 20%). N.B. Tipping is not customary in many countries outside the United States of America.

Colleges at each university may offer short-term accommodations based upon availability, so we recommend contacting the accommodation staff at a college you may be considering.


Other similar ordinary and necessary expenses related to your Mentor Match travel.  Please reach out for any qualifications.

If you have a disability or have specific requirements related to your travel and accommodations, we would be happy to help you with these details.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

Note: You must secure and submit all accompanying receipts within 30 days of travel to be reimbursed.


An Interview With Yuk Ming Dennis Lo

Yuk Ming Dennis Lo was the featured speaker at the Spring 2024 Lasker Lessons in Leadership event. Lo discussed his scientific training in the UK, establishing a lab in Hong Kong, and crossing the boundaries between academia and industry. He was joined by Yasemin Cole, Kritika Singh, and Henry Taylor, students in the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars program.


Lo is the recipient of the 2022 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for the discovery of fetal DNA in maternal blood, which led to noninvasive prenatal testing for Down syndrome.


The Lessons in Leadership lectures are developed in collaboration with the Lasker Foundation and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program.
Alumni Profile Template

Alumni Profile Template

About Me


Current Roles





Education & Training





Medical Training









Research Highlights




Total Publications: ___[ibra_code_total_publications___[

Total Citations: ___[ibra_code_total_citations___[

Mean Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): ___[ibra_code_mean_rcr___[ (+/-) ___[ibra_code_sem_rcr___[

Median Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): ___[ibra_code_median_rcr___[ 

Median RCR Percentile: ___[ibra_code_median_nih_percentile___[

More info: NIH iCite


  • Mean Human Focus ___[ibra_code_mean_human___[% ___[ibra_code_mean_human___[%
  • Mean Animal Focus ___[ibra_code_mean_animal___[% ___[ibra_code_mean_animal___[%
  • Mean Molecular/Cellular Biology Focus ___[ibra_code_mean_molecell___[% ___[ibra_code_mean_molecell___[%


Mean Approximate Potential to Translate (APT):  ___[ibra_code_mean_apt___[

Total Clinical Publications:___[ibra_code_total_clinical_citations___[

Total Clinical Citations:


More info: NIH iCite





Leadership Roles


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Lasker Lessons in Leadership with Michele Monje Deisseroth and Karl Deisseroth

Lasker Lessons in Leadership with Michele Monje Deisseroth and Karl Deisseroth

The October 17, 2023, Lasker Lessons in Leadership featured an interview with MacArthur Fellow Michelle Monje-Deisseroth and Lasker Laureate Karl Deisseroth, both professors at Stanford University and Howard Hughes Investigators. The NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program students specifically requested this pair because they are successful physician-scientists who have a family together. Although balancing a demanding career with family life can be hard, the couple strives to remain flexible and to work as a team. They emphasized that although seeing patients on top of conducting research takes more time, it helps them focus their scientific research.

The Lessons in Leadership lectures are developed in collaboration with the Lasker Foundation and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program.